Card Smakk
Last night I hosted a dinner meeting for my staff at the lovely Elite Circle Grill. The meeting went off fine with the main topic being covered on how they need to work harder to make me more money. I got to give out some prizes and awards, and we all enjoyed a nice steak dinner and some pecan pie for dessert. Now since my company has a policy that does not allow for the expensing of alcohol, I supply a cash bar and make my folks buy their own drinks at the meeting.
So after the meeting as I'm packing up my laptop & projector, the bartender comes up to me and says one of my staff left his credit card with his bar tab. I ask if I can just take it to him and they say, "No. We have to have a matching ID to give the card back." So I leave a voicemail for my employee and send him a text hoping to catch him before he gets to far away - chuckling a little that he left his card. I then sign the bill for dinner and hit the road. About 30 minutes later, my employee calls me asking if I got his card for him. I tell him how the bar wouldn't give it back to me so he will need to go back or cancel the card. I, of course, then give him shit for forgetting to close his tab and that it serves him right.
Another 5 minutes pass and my employee calls me back:
Employee - "Hey Boss Smakk. I just called the restaurant about my card."
Smakk - "So what did they say?"
Employee - "They said they would go ahead and destroy it for me. Then they asked if I knew a Mr. Smakk that was trying to pick up the card for me."
Smakk - "Why did they ask that?"
Employee while laughing - "Because they asked if I would you let him know that he also left his credit card there too."
Mutha Fucka - karma is a bitch. Did I also mention that the Elite Circle Grill is in Waco? Jesus. Time to call Am Ex for a replacement card...again...
Last night I hosted a dinner meeting for my staff at the lovely Elite Circle Grill. The meeting went off fine with the main topic being covered on how they need to work harder to make me more money. I got to give out some prizes and awards, and we all enjoyed a nice steak dinner and some pecan pie for dessert. Now since my company has a policy that does not allow for the expensing of alcohol, I supply a cash bar and make my folks buy their own drinks at the meeting.
So after the meeting as I'm packing up my laptop & projector, the bartender comes up to me and says one of my staff left his credit card with his bar tab. I ask if I can just take it to him and they say, "No. We have to have a matching ID to give the card back." So I leave a voicemail for my employee and send him a text hoping to catch him before he gets to far away - chuckling a little that he left his card. I then sign the bill for dinner and hit the road. About 30 minutes later, my employee calls me asking if I got his card for him. I tell him how the bar wouldn't give it back to me so he will need to go back or cancel the card. I, of course, then give him shit for forgetting to close his tab and that it serves him right.
Another 5 minutes pass and my employee calls me back:
Employee - "Hey Boss Smakk. I just called the restaurant about my card."
Smakk - "So what did they say?"
Employee - "They said they would go ahead and destroy it for me. Then they asked if I knew a Mr. Smakk that was trying to pick up the card for me."
Smakk - "Why did they ask that?"
Employee while laughing - "Because they asked if I would you let him know that he also left his credit card there too."
Mutha Fucka - karma is a bitch. Did I also mention that the Elite Circle Grill is in Waco? Jesus. Time to call Am Ex for a replacement card...again...
At 12:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
You left out that little detail of the story when you told me earlier. That's funny!
At 12:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
for the bunny
At 4:35 PM,
Nicki said…
OMG!!!!!!!!! LOL
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