The Hills Smakk

After much anticipation, Laguna Beach spin-off The Hills debuted last night. The Smakk review - not impressed. It just didn't have that Laguna magic. I mean it wasn't quite as crappy as Saved By The Bell: The College Years but it was no Degrassi: The Next Generation. (Yes, I'm a grown man. Fuck off.) At least from the upcoming previews, looks like we'll have my Laguna boy Jason is returning in action to Drama Up the place some. We'll see what happens and if it's worth my coveted TIVO space. At least the new eye candy was decent...

After much anticipation, Laguna Beach spin-off The Hills debuted last night. The Smakk review - not impressed. It just didn't have that Laguna magic. I mean it wasn't quite as crappy as Saved By The Bell: The College Years but it was no Degrassi: The Next Generation. (Yes, I'm a grown man. Fuck off.) At least from the upcoming previews, looks like we'll have my Laguna boy Jason is returning in action to Drama Up the place some. We'll see what happens and if it's worth my coveted TIVO space. At least the new eye candy was decent...
At 10:06 AM,
Anonymous said… really are a loser......i cant believe your marrying my mom and richard.......
At 10:20 AM,
CaptSmakk said…
Another young fan has joined the world of Smakk. Welcome Flower Girl. But watch the loser comment or will use my minsiter powers to banquish you to the depths of the seventh circle of hell. That's included with this ordanied internet thing right?
Father Ron
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