Experience Smakk
There are certain mistakes that you can really only truly learn from through experience. Talking about it, being warned about it, thinking about it - no, just actually living through the experience itself can really tell you why that action might have been an error in your ways. So here's a little list of things that each person should do at least once in their life if not for the only reason to understand why not to do that again:
1. Spend a night in jail
2. Play checkers with Jager shots
3. Perform headstands in back on moving van
4. Visit The Loon on a Sunday night
5. Tequila
6. Cheat in a relationship
7. Drunken Text Messages (It is the new drunk dialing)
8. Leave your beer unattended around Wu (see previous "Practical Smakk")
9. Stand on the tables at Duke's when you're a guy (Nice body slam landing Loops)
10. Tell the cops "I've been drinking ALOT tonight officer"
11. Hook-up with roommates
12. Drink a Coyote Ugly football with extra shots while in Vegas
13. Eat the spicy KFC snackers as midnight treat
14. Clog up new boyfriend's toilet on first night staying over (Good job Bunny)
15. Put tray of pizza rolls in oven right before passing out
16. Give Gwedo any girl's phone number out of your own phone
17. Throw guitar up in air over your face while lying down playing it (lips bleed easily)
18. Get in fight with Bunny after handing her full drink (Malibu burns the eyes)
19. Play any drinking or gambling game against me
And my final nugget for today....
20. Try to do a headstand on a tube being pulled by a ski boat only to fall over towards the boat with the ski rope between your legs dragging you through the water by your nut sac
There are certain mistakes that you can really only truly learn from through experience. Talking about it, being warned about it, thinking about it - no, just actually living through the experience itself can really tell you why that action might have been an error in your ways. So here's a little list of things that each person should do at least once in their life if not for the only reason to understand why not to do that again:
1. Spend a night in jail
2. Play checkers with Jager shots
3. Perform headstands in back on moving van
4. Visit The Loon on a Sunday night
5. Tequila
6. Cheat in a relationship
7. Drunken Text Messages (It is the new drunk dialing)
8. Leave your beer unattended around Wu (see previous "Practical Smakk")
9. Stand on the tables at Duke's when you're a guy (Nice body slam landing Loops)
10. Tell the cops "I've been drinking ALOT tonight officer"
11. Hook-up with roommates
12. Drink a Coyote Ugly football with extra shots while in Vegas
13. Eat the spicy KFC snackers as midnight treat
14. Clog up new boyfriend's toilet on first night staying over (Good job Bunny)
15. Put tray of pizza rolls in oven right before passing out
16. Give Gwedo any girl's phone number out of your own phone
17. Throw guitar up in air over your face while lying down playing it (lips bleed easily)
18. Get in fight with Bunny after handing her full drink (Malibu burns the eyes)
19. Play any drinking or gambling game against me
And my final nugget for today....
20. Try to do a headstand on a tube being pulled by a ski boat only to fall over towards the boat with the ski rope between your legs dragging you through the water by your nut sac
At 3:33 PM,
Renegade said…
LOL, good stuff!
Check out Renegade's BS
At 5:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
You're so experienced. You're like a fine aged wine. ;)
At 9:04 AM,
Harry Potter said…
Have you experienced those stuffs before?
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